Emergent Universe Oratorio
Recordings of the Emergent Universe Oratorio, performed at the 2018 IBHA conference, are here.
Recordings of the Emergent Universe Oratorio, performed at the 2018 IBHA conference, are here.
The World History Association is having its annual conference at San Juan in Puerto Rico, June 27-29th 2019. Since there is no IBHA Conference until 2020, we are looking for people who would be interested [...]
The Inside Story: Consciousness, Nature, Transcendence A transdisciplinary conference on Mind, Matter, Meaning and Mysticism November 9-10, 2018 Descartes’ famous dictum—I think, therefore I am—gave rise to the modern distinction between mind and matter. But [...]
Main Line Times article about the Emergent Universe Oratorio to be performed at the 2018 IBHA Conference.
Australian National University (ANU) Canberra, Thursday 19 July, 2018 http://hrc.cass.anu.edu.au/events/expanding-worldviews-astrobiology-big-history-and-social-and-intellectual-benefits-cosmic Astrobiology and Big History are two relatively new intellectual disciplines, the former focused on searching for life elsewhere in the universe and the latter on [...]
The new issue of Origins is here. David Christian's new book, Origin Story, will be available on May 22. Nivedita Nair opened the recent conference on big history at Symbiosis University's School of Liberal Arts (SSLA) in Pune, Maharastra, India. [...]
Journal of Big History, Volume II Number 2 Full Issue Table of Contents Articles Guerra, Ética, Etologia PDF HTML Daniel Barreiros 1 - 18 Warfare, Ethics, Ethology PDF HTML Daniel Barreiros 19 - 35 The Great Matrix [...]
Javier Collado Ruano's TED talk with English, Portuguese, Italian, and French subtitles. In this talk, Javier Collado, talks about the importance of looking at how nature solves its problems in order to apply solutions similar to [...]
Cynthia Brown died on October 15. We have lost a dear friend and a wonderful big historian. Her books and articles on big history and other topics, her invaluable role in founding the IBHA, outstanding [...]
New articles about big history are in The International Journal for Transformation of Consciousness, 2017, Vol 3. (http://www.globetranscons.com/Article-Vol1_2017.html)